Remote education provision: information for parents
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. Whilst we will always prioritise having our children in RIAB, we want to be prepared for every eventuality to ensure our pupils’ learning can continue without disruption. Should your child be asked to learn from home, we will ensure that they can continue to access their curriculum and the close support and guidance of their teachers.
We have plans in place which mean that your child would continue their learning without disruption and be taught a wide range of subjects. Put simply, we will ensure that our pupils access the same high level of educational provision available to them in their academy.
For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this page.
The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home
A pupil’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.
- What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?
At RIAB we try to follow our normal curriculum when you attend in class learning. We do not reduce or abridge the curriculum. Following the first few days of remote education, your child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school.
- Daily Remote Teaching And Study Time
The school day starts at 8am and the school day ends at 4pm. The teaching and learning time is exactly the same as being in class during a normal school day.
- How To Access Remote Education
Via Zoom. The class teachers will invite the students to their timetabled classes via live zoom classes.
- Additional Support For Pupils With Particular Needs
All pupils identified with additional or specific needs are catered for after discussion between the school admin, parents and the class teachers. We endeavour to cater for all of our learners.
- Remote Education For Self-Isolating Pupils
The pupils are given access to attend their timetabled classes if they are self-isolating.
- What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?
We encourage all pupils to participate in daily registration and then to access learning online. Where attendance is an issue children/parents will be contacted by SLT to encourage attendance.
- How will you assess my child’s work and progress?
Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others.
Our approach to feeding back on pupil work is as follows:
Feedback for online learning will be undertaken through google classroom. This will take place as and when the teacher needs to inform the children of a misconception or misunderstanding.